"Boulder's Chicano Community," 1979 film "Boulder's Chicano Community," 1979 filmID: BCLHP-MKM-047Location: Boulder; see also BCLHP-MKM-722Time Period: 1900-19191920s-30s1940s1950s-19651966-1970s
"Longmont, film of places of historical importance to Latinos," made in 2013 Longmont, film of places of historical importance to LatinosID: BCLHP-MKM-101Location: LongmontTime Period: 1940s1950s-19651966-1970s1980s-90s2000-2013
"Los Inmigrantes," film showing interviews with Boulder Chicanos, 1979 "Los immigrantes," interviews with Boulder Chicanos, 1979 filmID: BCLHP-MKM-046Location: Boulder County; see also BCLHP-MKM-755 through 759Time Period: 1900-19191920s-30s1940s1950s-19651966-1970s
"The Boulder Hispanic Experience," 1994 video of "Los Inmigrantes" and a panel discussion The Boulder Hispanic ExperienceID: BCLHP-MKM-048Location: BoulderTime Period: 1966-1970s1980s-90s
Boulder, film of places of historical importance to Latinos, made in 2013 Boulder, film of places of historical importance to LatinosID: BCLHP-MKM-100Location: BoulderTime Period: 1920s-30s1940s1950s-19651966-1970s