Oral history interview, Cleopatra Estrada, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-159Time Period: 1950s-19651966-1970s1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Edwina Salazar, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-165Location: Longmont. Colo.; Denver; No. New Mexico; San Luis Valley; Fort Collins; CaliforniaTime Period: 1900-19191920s-30s1940s1950s-19651966-1970s1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Emmanuel Melgoza, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-107Location: Boulder; Denver; MexicoTime Period: 1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Gregory Jaramillo, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-125Location: LongmontColo; PuebloColo; DenverColo; Rocky FordTime Period: 1950s-19651966-1970s1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Jason Romero, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-117Location: Boulder; Pueblo; New MexicoTime Period: 1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Kelly Sarceno, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-111Location: Longmont; GuatemalaTime Period: 1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Linda Arroyo-Holmstrom, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-169Location: Trinidad; Aguilar; No. New Mexico; Mexico; Lafayette; BoulderTime Period: 1920s-30s1940s1950s-19651966-1970s1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Philip Hernandez, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-171Location: Mexico; Walsenburg; Trinidad; Boulder County; BoulderTime Period: 1900-19191920s-30s1940s1950s-19651966-1970s1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Sonia Marquez, 2013 (video and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-149Location: New Mexico; LongmontTime Period: 1920s-30s1940s1950s-19651966-1970s1980s-90s2000-2013
Oral history interview, Susie Chacon, 1977 (audio and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-060Location: BoulderTime Period: 1950s-19651966-1970s
Oral history interview, Yolana Arredondo, 2003 (audio and transcript) ID: BCLHP-MKM-092Location: Boulder; see also BCLHP-MKM-773Time Period: 1950s-19651966-1970s
Peter Knox, "The Campus and the Klan: A Classic Lesson in Civility," p. 1 ID: BCLHP-MKM-366Location: BoulderTime Period: 1920s-30s
Peter Knox, "The Campus and the Klan: A Classic Lesson in Civility," p. 2 ID: BCLHP-MKM-464Location: BoulderTime Period: 1920s-30s