Becky Archuleta's First Communion remembrance (color photo) ID: BCLHP-FP-229Time Period: 1940sType: Still photograph
Becky Ortega and friends on Water Street, Boulder in 1947 ID: BCLHP-FP-226Time Period: 1940sType: Still photograph
Beet dump at Great Western Sugar factory, Longmont, 1900-1920 ID: BCLHP-MKM-294Location: LongmontTime Period: 1900-1919
Beet growers disclaim responsibility for strike, 1932 ID: BCLHP-MKM-268Location: GreeleyLa JuntaTime Period: 1920s-30sType: Newspaper article
Beet growers warned not to use children under 14, 1935 ID: BCLHP-MKM-255 Location: LongmontTime Period: 1920s-30sType: Newspaper article
Beet laborers deny affiliation with IWW ID: BCLHP-MKM-259 Location: LongmontTime Period: 1920s-30sType: Newspaper article
Beet thinners get gold buttons, 1928 ID: BCLHP-MKM-257 Location: Boulder CountyTime Period: 1920s-30sType: Newspaper article
Beet workers protest, 1932 ID: BCLHP-MKM-280Location: GreeleyBrightonTime Period: 1920s-30sType: Newspaper article
Bernal children's First Communion, 1951 ID: BCLHP-FP-074Location: BoulderTime Period: 1950s-1965Type: Still photograph
Bernal, Dora, Excerpt #1, from English translation of 1978 audio interview BCLHP-MKM-789.jpgID: BCLHP-MKM-789
Best beet thinners get gold buttons, 1927 ID: BCLHP-MKM-256 Location: Boulder CountyTime Period: 1920s-30sType: Newspaper article